Health and Safety

Health and safety is a critical part of the former Dangman Park MGP site remediation project as we work to address the environmental impacts at the Site and improve the environment. National Grid is committed to protecting the public, our workers and contractors and the environment from potential hazards that can occur as part of cleanup activities planned for the Site.

Health and safety programs are comprised of careful planning, good communication and effective monitoring of the execution of the health and safety plans. Remediation work will be performed by qualified contractors that are appropriately trained and monitored, and in accordance with applicable regulations. Contractors are required to have employee training and medical monitoring programs and are evaluated based on their compliance with established health and safety plans.

Potential localized impacts to air quality will be monitored under oversight from NYSDEC and NYSDOH using the Community Air Monitoring Plan (CAMP). The CAMP includes air monitoring at the work area and also between the work area and nearby residential and commercial areas. Sometimes, investigation and remediation of MGP wastes can produce unpleasant odors, and this will be controlled to the extent practicable by limiting the size of the area excavated, using foam spray or other vapor control measures to suppress odors and volatile organic vapor originating from an excavation or the exposed materials, using a temporary enclosure with a vapor management system over the work areas,  and/or by occasionally stopping work if necessary until wind and weather conditions improve. The CAMP has specified monitoring locations and action levels that will determine when additional odor or emission controls must be used and when the work must stop to protect workers and the public.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the problem?
Historical gas manufacturing activity has impacted soil and groundwater at the Site. Some of these impacted materials have the potential to affect human health or the environment. The Site remediation program is designed to clean up the Site to ensure that there are no adverse effects to human health and the environment while the properties on the Site remain in valuable use.

Am I safe?
Yes. Soil, groundwater, and soil vapor, impacted by the former MGP operations do not present complete exposure pathways for commercial workers, patrons, or residents based on current land use. In the future, if construction or utility workers excavate beneath the parking lot or existing building, there may be exposure and health and safety measures will be taken to reduce the potential for exposure to the impacts.

Currently, people present at the Site are not exposed to impacts from the former MGP.  The majority of the site is either paved or developed with buildings which provide a physical barrier that mitigates direct contact with subsurface soils. Drinking water in the area is provided through the City of New York's public water supply system. Indoor air monitoring during the SC determined that potential MGP-related constituent vapors are not entering the shopping center building at concentrations that may result in unacceptable human health risk. This is evidenced by the fact that potential MGP-related constituents detected in indoor air were below typical background indoor air concentrations for all indoor air quality samples.  A Health and Safety Plan will be in effect throughout any investigation or remediation activities to ensure that the work does not create exposure pathways that present risks to Site workers or the public.

What can I expect during the investigation?
You will see equipment and specialized work crews taking soil samples, digging test pits using excavators and advancing soil borings using a truck that has a drill rig mounted on it. As currently planned, none of the work will interfere with traffic, the operation of businesses or other normal community activities. Work in the parking lot will occupy only a few spaces at a time before moving on to the next location. Some of the workers may be wearing protective equipment, which is required for this type of work because of the possibility of their direct contact with the contaminants.  Work will be conducted behind a barrier (e.g., a fence) to distance the community from the equipment and materials.

For more information about the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation's Manufactured Gas Plant Site program and health issues associated with former MGP sites go to: