March 2024
Upcoming Site Work:
On March 12, 2024, National Grid and its contractors will begin installation of eight (8) monitoring ells on OU 1 of the former K-Dangman Park MGP Site. The purpose of the wells is to monitor the post-remedial groundwater conditions. The work will be conducted with oversight by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) under an approved work plan.
The work entails installation of 4 wells along the sidewalk of Neptune Avenue and 4 wells along the sidewalk of West 5th Street and will consist of pre-clearing the area in preparation for the installations, drilling and installation of the wells, development of the wells, and groundwater sampling upon completion of the installations.
The work is scheduled to take approximately 6 weeks, with drilling activities expected to take about 5 weeks. The work will be conducted between approximately mid-March, 2024 and the end of April 2024.
DEC Issued Record of Decision, January 16, 2024:
The ROD includes the requirement to monitor groundwater along the perimeter of OU 1 to assess groundwater conditions near the in-situ treatment zone.
Related documents can be found in the Key Documents tab.