Weekly Update - October 23, 2017
National Grid’s contractor, Posillico Environmental, is implementing the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)-approved Excavation Interim Remedial Measure (IRM). We anticipate this work to continue through the end of the year. We will be conducting community air monitoring and vibration monitoring during this project.
On-going activities:
- De-watering sump construction
- Tent structure assembly
- Construction of sheet pile support systems
Recently completed activities:
- Delivery and set up of water treatment system
- Completed installation of all sheet pile
Upcoming work activities:
- Continue tent structure assembly
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Continuous community air monitoring is ongoing.
There were no 15-minute Action Limit exceedances for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) and Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust].
There were odors noticed on 10/16/2017 during pre-clearing activities at Area 3. Odor control measures were implemented, and the odors were abated.
Contact Information
National Grid will provide updates as the work at the site proceeds. For more information, please leave a message on our hotline at (718) 982-7349 or email us at info@dangmanparkmgpsite.com
Website Update Information
National Grid will provide an activity update for neighbors of the former Dangman Park MGP site with developments related to the investigation and remediation of the Site. During the remedial construction phase, National Grid provides a weekly update on activities related to the remediation of the Site. The updates describe the work being done on and near the Site, and provide an outlook and schedule for upcoming work, including information about work that may impact normal community activities. All updates are archived under the Key Documents tab of this website.
Water Treatment System
Dewatering sump installation
Completed Area 3 sheet pile installation