Update - Week of May 15, 2017
Site Work
National Grid and its contractors are working at the former Dangman Park MGP site ("site") on the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)-approved In-Situ Treatment Interim Remedial Measure (IRM). The work the week of May 15, 2017 will be hand clearing injection locations and completing injections.
The In-Situ Treatment IRM calls for the placement of gypsum slurry into the ground at 58 locations. Gypsum dissolves into sulfate, which is used to enhance naturally occurring biological degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in groundwater.
The In-Situ Treatment IRM began April 3, 2017, and since beginning the majority of the hand clearing has been completed and 26 injection locations have been completed (through May 10, 2017). The work is anticipated to continue through the month of May.
National Grid's contractor is conducting the Community Air Monitoring Program (CAMP) during the work. The CAMP monitors for particulate matter and volatile organic compounds, and work is stopped if any of the identified limits are exceeded. There have been no exceedances of the CAMP limits during the work to date.
Building construction work is being conducted by the property owner. The building construction work is beyond the limits of planned remediation at the site or will otherwise not interfere with the completion of the required IRMs at the site.
Update on Remediation Plans
National Grid, under the oversight of the NYSDEC, is proposing a cleanup for the site located at 486 Neptune Ave, Brooklyn, NY. The remediation proposed is comprised of two Interim Remedial Measures (IRMs) – one In-Situ IRM and one Excavation IRM. The NYSDEC-approved In-Situ IRM is being completed as described above.
National Grid recently submitted the final draft design for the Excavation IRM to NYSDEC for their approval. The Excavation IRM will begin following NYSDEC approval of the design. The NYSDEC will host a Public Availability Session prior to the beginning of the field work for the Excavation IRM. Details will be announced on this website and via a mailing. The Excavation IRM will be completed at the Site in 2017.
Contact Information
National Grid will provide updates as the work at the site proceeds. For more information, please leave a message on our hotline at (718) 982-7349 or email us at info@dangmanparkmgpsite.com
Website Update Information
National Grid will provide an activity update for neighbors of the former Dangman Park MGP site with developments related to the investigation and remediation of the Site. During the remedial construction phase, National Grid provides a weekly update on activities related to the remediation of the Site. The updates describe the work being done on and near the Site, and provide an outlook and schedule for upcoming work, including information about work that may impact normal community activities. All updates are archived under the Key Documents tab of this website.