Update - Week of December 19, 2016
Upcoming Site Work
Beginning Wednesday, December 28, 2016, National Grid’s contractor will mobilize to the site to begin work on the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)-approved Interim Remedial Measure (IRM) Premobilization Investigation. The work planned for December 28-30, 2016 is to complete test pit investigations in the area of the former northwest gas holder (planned “Excavation Area 1”). In the following three weeks, additional test pit investigations and soil borings will be completed. These test pits will locate subsurface features such as former foundations, obstructions, etc. that may impact the upcoming Excavation IRM.
During the first week of work, you may see an excavator behind fencing at the site. Some noise and odor may be experienced. There will be air quality monitors on the site, and the excavation will be covered if dust or odor is observed above limits established in the NYSDEC-approved and NYSDOH-approved Community Air Monitoring Program. This work will not be conducted under a temporary air-handling structure (i.e., a “tent”) because it is limited investigation work. The Excavation IRM will be announced at a later date, and will be completed under a temporary air-handling structure.
Update on Remediation Plans
National Grid, under the oversight of the NYSDEC, is proposing a cleanup for the former Dangman Park MGP site (“site”) located at 486 Neptune Ave, Brooklyn, NY. The remediation proposed is comprised of two Interim Remedial Measures (IRMs) – one Injection IRM and one Excavation IRM.
NYSDEC held a public meeting on October 6, 2016 to present the two IRMs. On November 22, 2016, DEC issued its approval of the In-Situ Treatment Work Plan (“Injection IRM”) and the Final Interim Remedial Measure Design Work Plan, which outlined the planned Excavation IRM. The design for the execution of the Excavation IRM remains under NYSDEC review.
The following documents are available for review by following the links or going to the Key Documents tab:
- Final Interim Remedial Measure (IRM) Design Work Plan (Arcadis, November 29, 2016) and NYSDEC approval (November 22, 2016)
- In-Situ Treatment IRM Work Plan (Arcadis, September 2, 2016) and NYSDEC approval (November 22, 2016)
- IRM Premobilization Investigation Work Plan (Arcadis, November 4, 2016) and NYSDEC approval (November 22, 2016)
National Grid will provide updates as the IRM Premobilization Investigation and design of the Excavation IRM proceeds. For more information, please leave a message on our hotline at (718) 403-3014 or email us at info@dangmanparkmgpsite.com