Update October 2011

Starting on October 11, the non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) delineation phase of work will begin to determine the extent of the NAPL impacts.  Soil borings and monitoring wells will be drilled and installed on the shopping center property and the Trump Village property.  Soil samples will be collected from the soil borings and submitted to a laboratory for chemical and physical properties analyses.  If warranted, based on the observations from the soil borings, additional borings on the shopping center property and the Trump Village property may be drilled to further delineate the NAPL impacts.  The soil borings will be drilled using either sonic or direct push drilling techniques.  The drilling will produce some noticeable noise, and is not expected to have any other impacts to nearby businesses or residences.  In addition to drilling borings, groundwater samples will be collected from a temporary well and submitted to a laboratory for chemical analyses.

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