About the Dangman former Manufactured Gas Plant Site

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Gas used for cooking, lighting, heating and commercial purposes was manufactured and distributed at the former Dangman Park Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) site (“the Site”). A predecessor to the Brooklyn Union Gas Company (Brooklyn Union) began operating the MGP prior to 1895. The Site operated as a gas production facility until sometime between 1906 and 1930.  During this period, gas was manufactured from coal and petroleum products, purified and stored, and then distributed through a network of pipes.  The manufactured gas was provided to homes, businesses and industries in the Coney Island neighborhood and used in much the same way as natural gas is used today. Additional information on manufactured gas plants and their legacy can be found at the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s (NYSDEC’s) website at http://www.dec.ny.gov/

The above-ground MGP structures at the Site were removed sometime between 1906 and 1930. The Site has since been redeveloped, and is currently occupied by a shopping center and its parking lot, and a parking lot for an apartment building.  It is possible that some below-ground MGP structures such as building foundations may remain below the ground surface.

National Grid, the successor company to Brooklyn Union, entered into an Order on Consent with the NYSDEC in 2007 to begin the process of investigating and remediating the Site.  The former MGP investigation activities included a Site Characterization (SC) and a Remedial Investigation (RI), which have determined the extent of impacts from the former MGP operations.  The NYSDEC- and the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH)-approved July 31, 2014 RI Report summarizes the results of all the investigation activities. The investigations determined the extent of the MGP-related constituents of concern (COCs), and determined that there are no complete exposure pathways to the COCs for commercial workers, patrons, or residents based on the current land use.

This website provides information on the Site, the SC and RI, and opportunities for public participation. National Grid is committed to the protection and enhancement of the environment, always seeking ways to minimize the environmental impacts of our past, present and future activities. We hope this website, a part of our public participation and outreach efforts, is helpful and informative. If you need additional information or have suggestions to make our website better, please contact the individuals listed under Contacts.

For more information about the NYSDEC’s Manufactured Gas Plant Site program go to: http://www.dec.ny.gov/

August 2024

Upcoming Site Work:

In April 2024, National Grid and its contractors completed the installation of eight (8) monitoring wells on OU 1 of the former K-Dangman Park MGP Site.  The purpose of the wells is to monitor the post-remedial groundwater conditions. The work was conducted with oversight by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) under an approved work plan.

Groundwater samples were collected in May 2024 and a groundwater report is currently being prepared for the NYSDEC.  Future groundwater sampling will be conducted on an annual basis.

Contact Information

National Grid will provide updated information about this project. For more information, please leave a message on our hotline at (718) 982-7349 or email us at info@dangmanparkmgpsite.com

Website Update Information

National Grid will provide updates for neighbors of the former Dangman Park MGP site with any new information or reports related to the investigation and remediation of the Site. During the remedial construction phase, National Grid provided weekly updates on field activities related to the remediation of the Site. All updates are archived under the Key Documents tab of this website.